They get dumber and meaner all the time.
how many stupid elders and co's have you known???
years ago, one co used to stop at music stores so that he could sit behind a piano and play beethoven.this was during field service!
i knew of a stupid elder that knew a father who had been an elder and was deleted for immorality with his daughters, and this stupid elder wanted to recommend him to be an elder again!!!
They get dumber and meaner all the time.
local elder called tonite, with a witness on the phone to ask if it is true we were smoking ?
we said yes, and we know who told on us.
it was a ms who was at the club just last week with another woman, not his wife of course, while she was at the meeting.
Well I've had a couple glasses of wine myself this evening so
let me just say in my liberal spirit:
1. Glad to hear that you feel relieved
2. Not glad to hear that you are smoking. Of all of the many good
reasons available for jumping ship, smoking has to be among the
Exercise you newly found freedom and get a nicotine patch.
of jehovah's witnesses
I think that Bill is pointed in the right direction by focusing on the errors
made by the elders involved in his case. Especially if he can demostrate
to a court that the WTS broke its own published rules/guidelines in their
handling of matters - he may have a case.
Great letter from a fine brother that does a nice job bringing the issues
into clear focus. Another "good" elder resigns, but there will be another
"dumb" elder to replace him. In the end, only the dumb and mean ones
will be left.
of jehovah's witnesses
This is one of those situations where the WTS and the elders are holding all of the cards. I believe that Bill's options are very limited. From a legal perspective, I'm sure his attorney has assessed his probability of success in a civil complaint related to the judicial action. They are poor in my opinion but nothing would please me more than to be wrong.
If I found myself being called before a judicial committee and it mattered to me whether or not I was disfellowshipped, I would be inclined to make it perfectly clear to the local elders that I would positively sue them personally, not the Watchtower. In Bill's case, this is not going to work since WT legal is already involved. I know for a fact it has worked in a few other cases. When local WT elders who have a few dollars in the bank begin to realize that they could lose those assets if they make a mistake, some may think twice and back down.
Here is one other possibly helpful tidbit. If you have quit associating on your own, and you have been out of the organization for a few years, the elders have the option of not forcing the issue. If they do, what do they accomplish? In most cases, they would only be acting to strain family relations with your JW relatives. A civil rights attorney mentioned to me that there is some applicable case law about "alienation of affection" that can come into play. I still have a letter from him somewhere on that topic.
It is probably just a matter of time before the WTS commences with a full blown witch hunt and with the "dumbing down" of the organization over the years, some of the local "meathead" elders (the type that disfellowship JWs for reporting molesters) are sure to make serious mistakes in the handling of judicial matters. That could open the door and allow some inroads to be made into the WTS legal firewall on disfellowshipping.
what kind of questions am i gonna get asked when i go to get reinstated?
how hard is gonna be?
The difference between being a brown noser and having your head up the elders
arse is just matter of depth perception. How bad do you want it ;-)
thank you, valis, for posting to following info:.
this seems closer to me than anything i have found yet.
it also seems to fit the bill for several others who replied on that thread.
I too consider myselft a Deist.
i have found this links on the internet.. even some "noblood" 's doctors has said that it is very difficult without blood's transfusion:.
the treatment of leukemia may be one of the only exceptions to the general rule at usc that all patients can be cared for bloodlessly.
Thanks for the link. Leukemia is the big killer among JWs due to Watchtower
policies on blood. While non JW children now have an 80-90% chance of
recovery, the disease remains nearly 100% fatal for JW kids. A tragic and
foolish waste of human life. Espeically when the WTS permits hemoglobin
yet denies these children red cells. Red cells are nothing more than tiny donut
sized bags of hemoglobin - 97% of the dry weight of a red cell is hemoglobin!
Shame on the WTS
Shame on anyone who supports such a policy
thought everyone would like to hear some great news about the calgary blood case.
i was sent the following, which i've modified to protect the guilty:.
at the witnesses' request, the trial has been put over till october.
There may be a lot more going on here than meets the eye.
It seems to me that for the WTS to effectively withdraw at this stage sends a clear
message... they are backing down - big time. With Lawrence
acting as his own attorney, this was a good opportunity for
the WTS to chalk up another legal victory on this issue - they've
won plenty of them - just read the 5/22/94 Awake.
So the question becomes why? Is it because they feared
the Witnesses lined up would prove to strong - the testimony
too powerful? Or did someone in Brooklyn/Patterson who knows
what is really going on with the WTS blood policy decide they
didn't want this girl's blood on their hands since JWs use
of hemoglobin is becoming widely known? (See 6/24 Newsweek).
Perhaps they are getting concerned about their liability.
This is very uncharacteristic of the WTS to back down from
court challenge to 17 year old JW "mature minor" being transfused
against her will. They look to be running scared.
Edited by - Lee Elder on 25 June 2002 1:17:38
as i promised in this thread:
here are the scans of a letter from "the christian congregation of jehovah's witnesses" regarding a brother's inquiry about donating blood.
this letter is printed in greg stafford's new book "three dissertations on the teachings of jehovah's witnesses".. the scans are not that great but it was the best i could do.. .
My favorite line is this letter is paragraph two, line one:
"The scriptures clearly show that it would be wrong for a dedicated Christian to donate whole blood for use by someone else either in a transfusion of whole blood or in a transfusion of any of its four primary components."
I wish someone, anyone in the Watchtower Society, would tell us where in fact the "scriptures clearly show" that a transfusion of red cells, white cells, platelets or plasma is forbidden?
Moreover, where a transfusion of hemoglobin, albumin, clotting factors or serum is permitted.
After all, in their words, "the scriptures clearly show..."
OK - let's see it.